Rerailing Wedge Libo15 LIBO Cuñas y construcción ferroviaria

Rerailing Wedge Libo15

Últimas unidades en stock
6.260,00 € impuesto incluido
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage

Rerailing Wedge Libo15 for standard railways

For rerailing of disrailed wagons and locomotives. The sides of the
wedge rest stable on the sleeper and prevent the wedge reliable
from tipping. Extremly simple in use. Rerailing within a few minutes
when used by pairs. Cast steel.

We supply from 1 pair on.

Rerailing Wedge Libo15 for standard railways

For rerailing of disrailed wagons and locomotives. The sides of the
wedge rest stable on the sleeper and prevent the wedge reliable
from tipping. Extremly simple in use. Rerailing within a few minutes
when used by pairs. Cast steel.

We supply from 1 pair on.

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